Sonya Coulson Rook, the creator, has been designing and working as metamorphosis metals since the end of 2006. She grew up in Greenville, NC, and has been in Raleigh for six years. Sonya's pieces incorporate simple metal wire shapes, pieces of bullets, lapel pins and old jewelry and other elements in precious metals and copper. Many of her pieces show the evidence of age, patina and even decay. Sonya was recently so kind as to answer a few questions for a Raleigh Street Fashion Local Designer Profile.
What first made you want to become a designer?
I have always loved making and building things, and come from a very craft oriented family. My father builds furniture as a hobby and my mother has always loved needlework and sewing. She was always developing craft projects for my sister and I to do. I majored in art in college but wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to go in so on the recommendation of a professor I signed up for a metal design class. I knew I was hooked the first time I picked up the torch.
Could you describe your creative process?
Its very organic, I rarely know what a piece will look like until its finished. I start with an object, element or basic idea and work from there, incorporating other components and playing around with the composition until I’m happy with it.
How long does it take you to create a piece, from the inspiration to
the finished product?
It really varies from piece to piece, some designs fall together easily and naturally, others are much more difficult and require lots of trial and error.
What inspires you?
Anything and everything; rust, texture, bones, buttons, nature, minimalism, decay, broken tile, dusty old books, pealing paint, crumbling architecture, memories, love and loss.
Apart from jewelry design, what do you like to do?
I love sewing, painting, photography, decorating, reading, and recently I’ve been trying my hand at learning to cook. Unfortunately there is not nearly enough time for any of these activities.
How would you describe your personal style?
I like the mix of old and new, layers of textures and patterns, and nothing makes me happier than when things are put together in an unexpected way that really works.
Check out Sonya's creations online or see them in person at one of these events:
june 13: RebusFest - raleigh, nc
july 11: the big crafty - asheville, nc
august 28: lazy daze - cary, nc